Our goal is simple. Matthew 28:16-20 "16 Then the eleven disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him—but some of them doubted!
18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations,[a] baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (NLT)
Global Partnerships
Click the pictures for more information, where available. This is done to protect those actively being persecuted.
CRAM – Christ Reaching Asia Missions
CRAM is a multi-Asian ministry that is located in China, North Korea, Philippines and Cambodia. It was established by CY and Patricia Kim who have been in ministry over 50 years. They have been responsible for church plants in several locations in China, Philippines and Cambodia. CY is originally from South Korea. He has suffered persecution as well as imprisonment for his faith. HMCC has partnered with CRAM since the beginning and recently funded the building of a church and medical center outside of Manilla in a poverty-stricken area. In addition to financial support, HMCC has sent teams to China and Philippines to support this work in their home for the disabled as well as underground house churches leading worship and teaching.
Mid India Church Partners
Our missionaries that run this highly successful mission in the Mid India region have been working for 3 generations to serve the Lord in India. They have church plants throughout India and face continual persecution from the Hindu government. However, they continue to focus on adding more church plants as they battle lawsuits for standing firm on the Great Commission. They also run a home for young children that have been abandoned or whose parents are unable to meet their needs. In addition to financial support, HMCC has sent mission teams and have been part of their VBS, leadership training and preaching/teaching.
Helping Hands - Ecuador
Carlos and Jeannette Guerrero established this mission in 2008. Carlos is originally from Korea, Ecuador and after he retired from his business in Savannah, Georgia, he had a big heart to bring the gospel to his communities near where he grew up. In the last several years they have planted two churches, built a community center where they teach children the gospel through weekly youth programs and VBS. They also work with the ladies of the community teaching them how to sew and then how to make a living by making items for sale. Not only does HMCC financially support Helping Hands in Ecuador but has also sent teams annually since 2011 and participated in home visits praying over the needs of the individuals, teaching Bible lessons at home, teaching Bible lessons in the community and leading VBS and Church worship at the community center.

Outreach International
Led by Kevin and Renee Payton. The Payton family is no stranger to HMCC since many in HMCC have known him since he was a teenager. Kevin and Renee were missionaries in the Ukraine until they had to leave due to the Russia invasion. After returning home to Macon, GA they have been involved with Outreach International recruiting, training and sending individuals interested in mission work. They travel the country at Christian college campuses, Churches and camps talking to potential missionaries.

Kerala Christian Mission
KCM is an organization that was established by Rajan and Rene Ipe. Rajan was converted to Christ by an American woman that came to India and taught him the gospel at the hotel where he worked. She invited him and paid for his college education at Atlanta Christian College, now Point University, where he graduated with a degree in Bible. He returned home to Kerala to eventually plant over 40 churches in India, open a Christian medical hospital and eye clinics for the poor. His daughter Cindy and son in law Martin are now part of the work in Women’s programs and administration. In addition to financial support, HMCC has sent teams since 2014 to participate in VBS in youth programs, leadership training of the ministers/pastors and taught in the churches that were planted.

Mission Connect Romania
This post-communist mission is run by husband and wife team George and Damaris Varuti. Damaris’ father started the mission in Craiova, Romania and the Segarcea Church, located in gypsy village in the south. George is the succeeding minister of the Church since the passing of Damaris’ father in 2018. Damaris is a medical doctor in the city where they live. Since the two have continued the work there, the gospel has continued to flourish beyond the two church buildings where they minister and they work in the communities surrounding their area. In addition to financial support, HMCC has sent teams to Romania to teach Leadership Development of those two churches as well as other churches in the area.
Seeds of Hope
Seeds of Hope is a Christian Humanitarian organization located in Jericho West Bank in the Holy Land. The city is 99% Muslim. It is led by Khader Ghanim along with his wife Stevie and 5 children. The purpose and mission of the organization is to build relationships within the community of Jericho and the surrounding area that introduce our Savior’s teaching about love, hope, peace, and respect in their daily lives. Seeds of Hope works to bring long-term change in families through education and Christian community outreach in the region. Our core values we teach are Love, Forgiveness, Trust, Mutual Respect, and Redemption of the Family.
Son Safaris
Fledge Fiamingo founded this work in South Africa and Botswana. He sends those who wish to participate on summer mission trips to work in game reserves to spread the gospel and set up church plants with the staff of the reserves. They help in construction projects and conservation with teachings on God in nature visible on the safari experience. In addition to the financial support, HMCC also has sent teams in the past to participate in the summer mission trips.
Other Partnerships
Hamilton Mill Christian Church also financially supports the following local missions:
UGA CCF – A ministry to the students of University of Georgia. HMCC supports them also with “A meal and a message” program
GA Tech CCF – A ministry to the students of Georgia Tech
Christian City – Orphanage and Foster care along with homes for the Elderly.
North Georgia Camps – Summer camp that HMCC and its youth attend each year along with other local area churches
IDES – International Disaster Emergency Services: providing disaster relief during hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and other disasters around the globe.
Operation Christmas Child with Samaritans Purse – For the last several years, HMCC has been a drop-off location in Gwinnett County.
Jesus Place Inner City Mission – Providing clothing, food and necessary items for the homeless in Atlanta.